Новости сайта:
January 10, 2013
As Himred decided to discontinue this great project and closed l2wh.com domain.
I decided to restore this wonderful and useful project from the ruins (web archives =D) and hosted it on l2wh.org as
http://l2p.l2wh.org. Unlike Himred an Nyo I'll do my best to keep it accurate .
Thanks a lot Nyo & Himred for your great work for the L2 community. Dear visitors, I hope you positively perceive the appearance of the resource in the network.
Соответственно, когда готовил материал для базы знаний я подумал - может быть это действительно наш Старк восстановил домен с 2013 г. И, если это так, то огромный респект!